Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19, 2009
Sunday after church ,I fixed some risotto. I put on some sauce for supper. I went out for a walk at 3 PM, the street was deserted. I walk toward the main square, I heard some music, I went to the park and there was a Christian rally with many young people. I watched bicyle races on TV also soccer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things usually shut down en Italia between 2pm and 5:00...make that 12:30-5pmm on Sundays! Then, right at 5:30, passagiato starts, and you would think there is some sort of street fair going on! I used to hate naptime (maybe it had something to do with those damn finger egg nogs), but now-a-days I'm lobbying for mandatory naps for everyone over 25!